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Best Breeding Group: Casilius & Belliette & Diane Deeb from the Pond Dragonfly
judge: A. Cotugno and F.Cavaliery
Club show Konopiště 26.9 2020

Best Couple- Belliette from the Pond Dragonfly and Gasty Fast Dunderry,
Judge: F. Cavaliery and  A. Cotugno

Club show Konopiště 26.9 2020

                                                                                              Garen Fast Dunderry
                                                                                             majitel Hana Konečná, CZ
C.I.B. - INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY CHAMPION                                                                         
CESW 2017 - FCI Central European Sighthound Winner 2017
ESVW- Euro Sighthound Veteran Winner FCI 2023
CESVW 2023-FCI Central European Sighthound Veteran Winner 2023
SK Super GR CH - Slovakian Super Grand Champion
HSCH - Hungarian Show Champion
SK SCH - Show Champion Slovakia
CZ GR CH - Czech Grand Champion
SK GR CH - Slovakian Grand Champion
HU GR CH - Hungarian Grand Champion
CH CMKU - Champion Czech-Moravian Kynological Union
AT CH - Austrian Conformation Champion
CZ CH - Czech Conformation Champion
PL CH - Polish Conformation Champion
ME CH - Montenegro Conformation Champion
HR CH - Croatian Conformation Champion
SK CH - Slovakian Conformation Champion
HU CH - Hungarian Conformation Champion
CZ JCH - Czech Junior Champion
SK JCH - Slovakian Junior Champion
CZ Veteran CH
HU Veteran CH
SK Veteran CH
 Victory Junior Winner SK 2015
Czech Club Junior Winner 2015
Champions of Champions HU 2016
Victory Winner SK 2017
Hungary Speciality Winner 2018
Kelč Winner CZ 2018
Slovakia Speciality Winner 2018
Czech Club Winner 2019
Montenegro Club Winner 2020
Karpatia Winner SK 2020
Croatian Club Winner 2020
Czech Republic Club veteran Winner Whippet Klub 2022
Hungary Club veteran Winner Agár Club 2022
Czech Club Veteran Winner ADP 2022
Jubileum Veteran Winner CZ 2022
Trophy Winner SK 2023
Victory Veteran Winner SK 2023
Speciality Veteran Winner CZ  2023
Club Winner Veteran 2023 SK
Club Winner Veteran ADP CZ 2023
JBIS 3- International Dog Show Nitra 2016 -SK
BIS- Club Show Chlumec n.C. 2016 -CZ
SBIS- Hungary Speciality Sighthound Show 2018
BIS 2 male- Regional Dog Show Náměšť
BIS- Club and Regional Show Kelč 2019 -CZ
BIS 2 -National Dog Show Olomouc 2021-CZ
VBIS -Club Show Agár Club 2022- HU
VBIS- National Dog Show Olomouc 2022-CZ
VBIS 2- Euro Sighthound Show 2023 SK
VBIS 2-Crystal Club Show 2023 SK
 BOG 1, 3x BOG 2 ,BOG 3, 2x J. BOG 1,13x BOB, 5x BOV, 13x CACIB, 24x BOS, 78x CAC, 6x CAJC, 3x J.BOB, 7x CAC CMKU, 17x R.CACIB, 25x R.CAC, 5x National Sieger CZ, kval.Crufts 2017-2019, 2x VP1, Best Puppy, 6x Best male club show, Regional Winner, Class Winner, Best Movement in Breed, Best Head in Breed, Best Particolour- Cl. Show 2018 CZ- N. Runsten, WDS Brno & EDS Budapest 2021 Ex., EDS Wels 2016  Ex. ,EDS Herning 2023 Ex.2

                                                                                               Casilius from the Pond Dragonfly

                                                                                                    majitel Hana Konečná, CZ

HSCH - Hungarian Show Champion
RO GR CH - Romanian Grand Champion
CZ CH - Czech Conformation Champion
SK CH - Slovakian Conformation Champion
HU CH - Hungarian Conformation Champion
MK CH - Macedonian Conformation Champion
ME CH - Montenegro Conformation Champion
RO CH - Romanian Conformation Champion
Balkan CH - Balkan Conformation Champion
HU JCH - Hungarian Junior Champion
RO JCH - Romanian Junior Champion
Baby class/ 5 show: 5xVP1, 2x Baby BOB ,BBISS, Baby BIS male, R.BBIS , BBIS male 2
Puppy class: 4x VP1, 2x Best Puppy, 2x Puppy BOS, BPIS 3
Junior class: 5x EX.1 CAJC, RO.JCH, JCH HU, cand. JCHPL(covid)
26x CAC, 6X CACIB, BIG, BOB, 7X BOS ,10x R.CACIB, kval. Crufts 2021 ,10x R.CAC ,Best particolour-Club show 2020, WDS Brno&EDS Budapest 2021- Excelent
candidat: GR CH CZ, GR CH HU, CH CRO

                                                                                           Diana Deeb from the Pond Dragonfly

                                                                                                  majitel Petr Sedláček, CZ

baby class: VP1, Baby BOB, Baby BIS, Best solid-  Club show Konopiště 27.9. 2020  Judge: A. Cotugno (IT)


candidat : CH CZ

                                                                         Galaxy Gadot from the Pond Dragonfly

                                                                                     Majitel Petr Sedláček, CZ

29.4. 2023  Central European Sighthound Show Konopiště (125 whippets)
Judge: B. Sheerens (B) - Babby class: VP1, Best Babby female, Babby BIS 2 
30.4. Club show KCHCH
Judge: B. Miloševič( SRB) - Babby class: VP1, Best Babby female, Babby BIS 3
Fotogalerie je prázdná.

                                                                                Ginger Glamor from the Pond Dragonfly


17.6. 2023 Club show Nová Živohošť CZ
Judge: J .Mullerová (CZ)- Puppy class: VP1, Best puppy female, puppy BOS


29.4. Central European Sighthound Show Konopiště (125 whippets)
Judge: B. Sheerens (B) - Babby class: VP2 za svou sestrou
30.4. Club show KCHCH
Judge: B. Miloševič( SRB)- Babby class:  VP


                                                                           Groot Guardian from the Pond Dragonfly
17.6. 2023 Club show Nová Živohošť CZ
Judge: J .Mullerová (CZ)- Puppy class: VP2 , Best Solid Club Show
29.4. Central European Sighthound Show Konopiště CZ (125 whippets)
Judge: B. Sheerens (B) - Babby class: VP2 
30.4. Club show KCHCH
Judge: B. Miloševič( SRB)- Babby class:  VP, 1Best Babby male, Babby BIS 1
Fotogalerie je prázdná.

                                                                                  Adyleen from the Pond Dragonfly 


2x VP1

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