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 Gasty Fast Dunderry

res. BPIS, BJIS, BIS, BOB, 2x BOJ, 3x CAJC, Junior Champion CZ, 5x CAC, CH CZ, Special Winner CZ, Club Winner CZ,  Winner of the club traveling trophy  2018, Grand CH CZ

Otec našeho vrhu B, C, D ,E - from The Pond Dragonfly. 

Otec  vrhu F, H - kennel Czech Spring

Otec vrhu F- kennel VIP Poppet

Otec vrhu B- kennel  You Are My Sunshine

Datum narození: 29.08.2014

Barva: žíhaný, bílé znaky




matka: Creme Fraiche of Gentle Mind   

2x CAC, res. CAC,class Winner, Regional Winner, BIG 2                   

otec: Tappinskis Save and Sound

CZ JCH - Czech Junior Champion
SM JCH - San Marino Junior Champion
Other titles:
TOP whippet CZ 2014, Multi SBIS winner,
Puppy BIS, 3x Junior BIS and 2x BIS at 14 months old. (Shown only from May till June 2014 and won under 5 different judges SBIS at all Sighthound and Club Shows in Czech during his short show carrier), 6x CAJC, 1x CAC, National Winner, 6x BOJ, BOS, 2x BOB

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