Club Winner CZ 2019, BOB, Best head and best movement in breed club show 2019, Winner of the club traveling trophy 2020, BIS
BOB, 2X Best head and best movement in breed club show 2020,Best female club show, BIS, SBIS
4x CAC, JBIG, CAJC, 2x VP1, 2x Baby BOB, 2x BBIS
candidat CH CZ
Matka vrhu: F
Datum narození: 10.4. 2018
Barva: žíhaná , bílé odznaky
EX.1 CAC, Best female, BOB, BIS, SBIS
Best movement and Best head
BOS- Multi GR CH Garen Fast Dunderry z našeho prvního vrhu a Belietky strýc
Judge: A. Cotugno (IT)
matka: Virginia Wolf of Gentle Mind
otec: Gasty Fast Dunderry
res. BPIS, BJIS, BIS, BOB, 2x BOJ, 3x CAJC, Junior Champion CZ, 5x CAC, CH CZ, Special Winner CZ, Club Winner CZ, Grand CH CZ